Don't SLEEP at night. >.> <.< *glance* Go to LINKS! Hehehehehehe
Places to go, people to see. The places my be sites, and I may only chat with the people, but it's the same concept.
Funny link feature!! //Farting Kitty// Mp3 rotations, as long as you don't forget about mine! /Bootleg/SoundLife/SetRandom/Detonation/Hibiku/ComeAlive/????Soul?/Lovestain/SilentWar/Nocturne/TEH/MizerableMoi/PlasticWings/ /EienNoUta/ More coming... Random! Dollz Mania Goth Maker Full Phobia List Elvish and Hobbit Name Generator Random Name Genorator Singing Horses ***(heheh) Which Evil Lord Of the Rings character are you quiz Animation! Weeble and Bob Legendary Frog shorts Potter Puppet Pals Potter Puppet Pals 2 More coming soon...
Site's o' Friends Krista's site! GoGo go here! Charlotte's site!Anime piccys!
WebComics. Cause you need em. Megatokyo - If you don't know about it you are so un l33t. The best. Sore Thumbs - Found the link for it on megatokyo so you know its good Checkerboard Nightmare - heh. I know. But I like it so deal. Elderstar - This ones in COLOR! ^.^
Links back to I! (slowly my grammer degradated)